I Am Weasel is an animated telivision series produced by Hanna-Barbera with Cartoon Network Studios, created by David Feiss and broadcast on Cartoon Network.The series lasted from July 15, 1997 - March 2, 2000
The series follows the adventures of I.M. Weasel, an internationally famous, rather eloquet, and much talented weasel who is adored by everyone and I.R. Baboon, an ugly and idiotic baboon who is envious about I.M. Weasel's succeses and constantly tries to be better than him.
Danske Stemmer[]
- Væsel, Den Røde Fyr – Lars Thiesgaard
- I.R. Bavian – Timm Mehrens
Additional Voices (Denmark)[]
- Pauline Rehné
- Ann Hjort
- Peter Røschke
- Peter Zhelder
Main Characters[]
I Am Weasel on Boomerang[]
Boomerang only broadcasts seasons 1 and 2 as a segment in Cow and Chicken.